Owner of the website or store Calzados Bernardo is Bernardo Bermudo Segura CIF 75418442Q registered office C / Moron 3 41540 La Puebla de Cazalla (Seville)

Browsing through the Portal, using and / or acquiring any of the products of the Store, implies the acceptance, as User, without reservations of any kind, of all the General Conditions of Use of the Portal, of the General Conditions of Contracting, as well as, where appropriate, the Particular Conditions that, where appropriate, may be established for the acquisition of the services or products.

For the above purposes, Users are understood to be those who browse the Portal and / or use the services included in the Store or acquire the services or products offered in the Store.

Bernardo Bermudo Segura reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time, and without prior notice, both these general conditions and the particular conditions that may eventually be established; the configuration, presentation and design of the portal or any of the elements that comprise it; the information, general or specialized and the contents provided, and, in general, any other circumstances not expressly designated, including the cancellation of the portal or any of its elements. Once any of the aforementioned changes have been made to the portal, any subsequent access by the user will imply unconditional acceptance of the same.

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